
Our collection includes staples such as Herringbones, Cotton, Denim, and Linen tapes. We also have heavy belting, delicate flower tapes, stretch and striped tapes. if you are looking for something a tad tougher than a ribbon here is a V V good place to start!

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Showing 14 Items

Teal Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Scabious Lilac Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Ripe Wheat Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Red Hot Poker Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Post Box Red Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Pitch Blue Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Pebble Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Oyster Shell Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Old Azalea Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Lily of Valley Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Leaf Green Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Dark Bark Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Dark Amaryllis Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre
Clay Faux Leather Tape 20mm
From £3.95 per metre

Velvet Snips and Snaps

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